Let's Talk Murder

Memories of Murder to be exact. This is the title of my new series where the first book, Hatchet, will be released in September.

The concept of Memories of Murder centers on a serial killer being reincarnated to contemporary times and using the same form of killing as the original killer. What makes these books different from other serial killer books? Well, as a reader you will have the unique experience of seeing the killing scenes through the eyes of the killer. This is a premise that I have been working on for five years now. This series came about as a result of a fascination by the Lizzie Borden story. After starting some research, and going down the rabbit hole, I came across court transcripts and newer forensic studies on the original Borden case. The fascination of how they could piece things together and get a glimpse into the mind of why a killer thinks the way they do started a thread of the new book series.

As I started researching different killers that could be included in this series, my search just kept adding names of killers that were fascinating. Don’t get me wrong…it’s not the killing itself, but the mind of the person behind it. After a lot of research, the first book is finally done and the second book is being started.

Hatchet follows the killing in the fashion of a hatchet as was yielded by the infamous Lizzie Borden. These are not stories on the original killer, yet fictional stories using the original accused killer’s actions to convey a story of years ago connecting to contemporary times. 

Stay tuned for sneak peek at the book cover in the next week and an inside look at the characters involved in Hatchet.

Spring is in the Air

Time passes so quickly it seems these days. Amidst the full time job of teaching, taking a doctorate class, there is the editing and writing that consumes me. I have been working on edits for Hatchet, book one of my new series, Memories of Murder. These are taking longer than I had hoped they would, but I want this book to be absolutely perfect. This is a new venture for me into the genre of crime fiction. With this new venture has come new things to learn.

I have been very grateful to have a local police officer be willing to answer my endless questions regarding police procedures, crime scenes and the like. He has been patient and just as excited, I think, for this book to be released. My critique partners are immensely supportive as well as pushing me along when I stall out, as we sometimes do when life gets busy.

The exciting thing for these series for me is the fact that each story will be based on a real person who has been reincarnated into the killer in the book. This has required me to do extreme amounts of research which can be time consuming, yet I love doing it and finding out all this information. I am excited for these books to get to you.

Stay tuned for further updates on the release of this first book and glimpses of a new book cover.